A French customer said: In September 2021, I bought 6 seats VR dark mars, VR racing moto to events. Every event was very successful and received local people’s likes. I also plans to expand the scale and hold more events. I always to do Event activities, and I think choosing FuninVR is my best choice!

6 Seats VR Dark Mars: This is one of the most popular VR device all over the world. It mainly focus on extrme sports, shooting battle, adventure and so on,which suitable for all ages.
VR racing moto: This mainly focus on racing theme games, simulate real racing car,support multiple players online game or single games.

FuninVR strongly encourages this behavior of customers and hopes that more customers can provide good opinions and suggestions, so that the company’s products can continue to be optimized, the company can continue to make progress, and achieve a win-win situation.