On April 4th,2016. One of the Zhuoyuan hot sale products Three-seat 9d vr cinema (2nd generation) have officially shown in Children’s Park for free. We have supported public benefit activities with concrete actions. Children can experience the fashion VR Cinema in this Children’s Park.

Zhuoyuan took 9d vr cinema to support the public benefit activities 1
The achievement of the partnership were not made by accident. Since the establishment of Zhuoyuan, philanthropism has been always deeply rooted in our corporate culture. We have long focused on the construction of playgroups and try our best to support the public benefit activities. Except this Children’s Park, we will build a 5d dynamic cinema with 36 seats in May to support the public benefit activities.
The CEO of the Children’s Park said since our 9d vr cinema show in his park, it is especially popular with the children, since its novelty. When children sit on each single shell seat, wear VR glasses, they will have 360°view of experience, completely in virtual reality scene. And the 9d vr cinema is simple to operate and even save human resources and materials.

Zhuoyuan took 9d vr cinema to support the public benefit activities
The day when the 9d vr cinema show in the children park, the leaders of the Women’s Unions has visited and experienced the vr cinema at once. All of them did heap praise on our 9d vr cinema and our social responsibility.
We think as a company, we should have the strong responsibility for society, founded on the return to society’s idea and concerned about the public welfare to help more people.

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